As a non-snowshoeing, cold fearing, landscape photographer, the winter season presents a particular challenge for me because I don’t want to snowshoe through the cold winter days to get beautiful photos. I want to be able to park my car, walk a few meters, take my photo, and run back to my car before the coffee I left in there has gotten cold.

These conditions mean that I am limited to certain locations for 4 months out of the year living here in Alberta. However, thanks to social media & Google, I have been able to compile a list of great locations that are gorgeous in the winter, present endless compositional opportunities and are easy to get to. I have divided them into 4 Main Sections, depending on what you are looking for: Reflections – Waterfalls – Wildlife – Epic Views.

The Gear: Shooting in the winter does come with its own set of physical challenges especially when you have expensive equipment around your neck. There are 3 essential items I recommend you have in your car to make it easier and more comfortable to take photos:

Without further ado, I present you with my Top 15 photography winter spots.


1. Lake Louise

2. Emerald Lake

3. Castle Mountain

4. Vermilion Lakes


5. Johnston Canyon- There are plenty of slippery spots so make sure you are wearing your Yaktrax on your hiking boots.

6. Elbow Falls


7. Elk Island

8. Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary

9. Lake Minnewanka Trail Loop- You are likely to see wildlife but you might have to drive around for a while; 8/10 times I have been able to spot Elk.


10. Morant’s Curve- This requires patience and good luck. Sometimes you arrive and the train runs by within 5 minutes. Other times you end up waiting for hours. Bring a good book and snacks.

11. Mt. Norquay

12. Canmore Engine Bridge

13. Natural Bridge

14. Abraham Lake- Ice cleats and tons of layers are a MUST. It is notoriously known for high winds and freezing cold temperatures.

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